Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Omg, I am super outdated!
I am only starting to read Twilight now, which the majority has probably already memorised it. :O! But it isn't my fault (xD) because I tried reading it once, but I found the beginning a bit confusing, so I gave up and went to read Harry Potter- which youuu must read because of A. Dumbledore! :D

And the 10 PM series showing on channel u now (法律先锋)is a must-watch! There's suspense, humour, love, cuteness, mystery and basically its just super nice! And there is also pretty and shuai people! =) I just don't like one of the scary background music- scares me super!

OHHHHHHHHHH, know what! My brother went for his Graduation Night (a.k.a. Prom Night) last night, and it was like Extreme Makeover without the 'extreme', LOL! He looked super, and different. But he doesn't want to tell me about it la! Plus he says it was warm wearing it and didn't let me have a chance to take a picture of him. =/

Can't wait for Tingting to lend me her Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire! =)
And they are watching already, k bye!!! :D

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