Monday, November 17, 2008


Saturday was FHSS's open house. :D

At first, we were worried that there would be no customers/ patronisers, but an hour later, many came.
LOL, Nickson and Junwei (is it?) spent lots of coupons on our shooting game, and most of the prizes were won by them. LOL!
And Nicholas was super funny! =)
Missed the drums, =/

One of the Sec.3 classes had a super interesting game, which involved sabotaging and drenching people with water. I took a picture of Ziqi getting wet, posting it up if she sends it to me. xD

Was super super super sick yesterday (sunday, 16th), had cramps in the morning, stomachache and vomited in the afternoon till evening. + headache. =/

Bb. :D

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