Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Happy birthday, Eraser!

I don't know why I keep creating new blogs one after another, either. :B

Nevertheless, I still think blogging's a great way to think & rethink about the obstacles you face in life. Esp. since they give you space. (But its not very private, though. ><)

Well, one big contributor to creating a new blog is because I'm trying to.. I don't know la. =/

Today's Eraser SZH's big day, and I hope he enjoyed today to the brim(?). xD
I still remember the first time I saw (/noticed) him during the first few days of secondary school. And my first impression was that he's super irritating and act-smart. LOL!

Cause he was talking nonsense non-stop, and kept targetting Penguin.

But actually he's quite cute, esp. when he's thoughtful or caring or basically just, nice. And he grew taller (and constantly being super high and mighty and that fact. LOL xD) and less cute, but his results improved! :)

I taught him Maths okay! Great teachers have great students. (No link? ._.)
And he has the will to improve. Wonderful~

All across the world, people are all facing difficulties.
Big ones; small ones,
great setbacks; minor setbacks,
they all have one thing in common: They put us all to the test.

I believe that we aren't supposed to ask,"Why me?" But instead, be confident of yourself; that you can do it.
Because they either push us back, or push us forward.

There are many lessons to learn in life, and each and everyday is already a lesson by itself.
Cherish today, or regret tomorrow.

Love, don't hate!

I think red shouldn't be the only colour representing love; love should be a wide range of colours, because there are different types of love. =)

See you. :]

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