Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I just came back from my neighbour's house an hour ago! She invited me and my sister there to play with her little, cute, funny, very-very-young son (Raynen)!
LOL. Her son is destructively adorable!
I told Raynen that my sister's a naughty girl, and he said,"No, Jie-jie no, Mei-mei naughty girl!"
Then I saw his sister biting the dog's collar, and asked him to tell his Mei-mei (Chloe) not to eat it. Then he kept telling her Cannot eat, cannot eat till she stops biting, then he gave her a thumbs-up, so cute right I know!
Btw his scream is super high-pitched!


(Though his mother gave us chocolates, I wasn't bribed to do it okay!)

Oh, when me and my sister were going home, he cried and tried to block our way you know, HAHA cute till I'm going crazy already.

♥, C-U The Elephant!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I don't know if I should be happy that I didn't have any nightmares last night/ this morning, or sad that I can't sleep at all =/
And my stomach is hungry now but I feel like vomiting =/

K, I'm off to morning training! :D
A cockroach was staring at me so I'm going to go sleep now/ write a Christmas letter to Cheowyi/ my cousin.
Cockroach's going to give me a nightmare.
Aye, I feel like going out to run and sweat like crazy now, (fat hope as fat as me! :/) k bye~

p/s Minesweeper's the new addiction! :P

Thursday, December 18, 2008


The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be only the beginning.
- Ivy Baker Priest

Perspective. Thy way you look at things, thy way you analyze them, I'm sure.

Its my first time making new year resolutions (or remembering them, at least), though a bit too early(?), and Year 2009's going to be about perspective.

Yes yes! I know!
So cool right!

My cousins went back yesternoon, super the sad news I know.

It takes me long and great effort to remember someone's birthday, unless I celebrate it with them. And I actually remember my cousin's birthdate. Finally!
But I bet January 12 will hit me before I even realise what significance it holds.

p/s The previous post holds NO significance/ importance/ meaning to YOU, ignore it please.
(Its just for future strolls down memory lane, and a puzzle for me to decipher, in the future, that is.)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

L. L.

Hello, I'm not a loser, and I won't repeat my mistakes. Correction, I will try not to. I won't love like a loser (whatever meaning it has).

(I don't make sense o.o)

I think Mr Fever really burned my head/ brain/ mind. After drifting in and out of consciousness, suddenly everything just didn't seem so important/ hard to hold on to any longer.

Thinking back, everything just seems too different.

No pain, no gain. At least I've learned many life lessons, and super important ones at that. =)

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Hello :D
Oh how excited and happy am I to see you, my nose has been attempting to run away since last night and *poof!* you appear out of thin air to help me in my nose-catching quest.

I feel as though I am in some cold and snowy (k, not exactly) place. Correction, I feel like those melodramatic shows/ dramas where there's always a rain cloud above the female lead when she's feeling miserable. Except this is a super-cold cloud.

K enough about this. :)

Anyway, talking about snowy places reminds me- I want to go to Snow City!! And speaking of Snow City, I shall let you in on a secret- I peed in my overalls the first time I went to SC when we came out because it was SUPER cold inside and I was still small and did not have such good bladder control as MrsTay. How very embarrassing!

Know what!!
Stephenie Meyer is so so so super the cute la!
Evidence: She came up with the story of Twilight because of her dream! If this is not adorable then I don't know what is (except me -.-").

My brother said he's most probably going to JC, and so am I. Because he 'enlightened' me on the fact that in JC, you learn a bit of everything, and basically JC is somewhat for those who are not very certain what they want to do in life (doesn't apply to everyone).
In the past I thought of becoming a psychologist, or a teacher, or a marine biologist, or a zoo keeper but I thought it wouldn't be much fun working on the same job your whole life. And since everyone only gets to live once, I want to learn a bit of everything in life. I want to travel around the world, not in tour groups (because you only get to see the attractions and good side and well, you get the drift, yes? :D).

I am really excited, happy, glad, elated, blessed (and whatever you name it, I feel it -.-) because I get to live till today, which not everyone is that blessed to.

K byeeeee, I need to stop talking and get some rest. =)

p/s Tingting and me teamed up and played doubles and lost terribly! =(
(I suspect my flu/ running nose has something to do with this; We were super the nervous/ anxious and shivered/ trembled before + during + after the match -.- :O)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

noise pollution!!!!!!

My house provides an undesirable environment now, with the thunderstorm and construction 'competition' going on. EEYER.

Tomorrow's my first ever table-tennis match! =/
MrsYan organised a friendly match with Ngee Ann Secondary, and I don't know if I'm going to play singles/ doubles but what scares me most is that everyone would be watching!!! :O

Btw, I've finished Twilight and its super! I wanna read New Moon :D So exciting!!
Okay seeyou bye~

p/s Watch this: "The Snowman" Movie :D

Monday, December 1, 2008

Jasper Cullen!

Ahhhhhh, I think among the Cullen family, Jasper's super power (influencing/ changing other emotions/ atmosphere) is the cutest! =)
And its also somewhat rarer cause you can't find it easily in other books.

And I think Twilight is super special because they have reasons behind their super powers. It covered almost all the doubts and questions. Almost.
Because one question is still not answered.