Monday, March 30, 2009

Eve of another great/ wonderful/ happy/ blessed day!

(Yep, I am a blessing!)
Hello! :)
Blogger has a new function: Monetize!
I wonder what it does, shall find out later!
(Maybe it produces money... Hehehe!)

Well anyway to cut things short, school was much more interesting today and (excluding Reading) our class and s4 had all periods before Recess free! :)
Bushy was cute! She told me what she's giving me tomorrow, and she got very fascinated over the game (Pyramid Bloxx) in my handphone. :) And more...

Cheeyuan's super nice to talk to (and say hello/ wave to) these few days! Anyway he offered giving me a b. bash tomorrow.
oK (*running away)

Peihan got a super injury today, get well soon! :D

K I'm off to do my homework (extra one because of Ruxin! Haha! :D) and a collage probably!

p/s There's America's Next Top Model every Monday! :D

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hehe, I'm signing- no, signed in to eBuddy now, and I'm crossing my toes (in my mind!) that Azhar's online
No! :(

Anyway, never mind I shall SMS him unlimited(ly) later (thanks to the unlimited SMS plan! Hehe!).
Oh I just remembered he's not home now. Yea. You're forgiven, Azhar! (K kidding la ogay!)

Having ulcers now. Hehe, not cool I know! (That bottle of water looks inviting, but not supposed to drink water an hour before going to bed you know!)

Met up with YLSpongeBob and Eemin today! :)))))

Hoho, YLSB taught me the Rubik's Cube techniques and blah, and its really interesting! But after she complimented me, saying that I'm very pro at learning new things, I got distracted... Hehe... And I forgot (a bit only!) la!

Hooooo, and we ate loads of Da Lao Ban (HEHE I didn't know leh!) seaweed! The wasabi flavour was very strong and gave me a Sssss-ed feeling on my tongue, but it was very addictive!

She typed a really long story on my phone for me!:) And strangers think she's a sexy auntie. And she replied to an anonymous person which sent me a message a few days back, with a technique which she was very sure would work: Reveal his/ her identity! But the person didn't reply after that! Haha! :P

She like my phone. And the camera. And the phone's mirror because she thinks its cool. Kind of like me, although she didn't admit!

E was very talkative! Hehe, not unusual (factor of me becoming a lawyer in the future!), but I like it! :) Saw Yingkiat, Peihan, Yin Junhao & Shinan. Saw Stella:)!

E didn't like the Unagi sushi she bought:

E: Wa! Yer! Not nice one. Eeew, really is eel (eeew) leh! *Repeats again, and again!*

Hehe, so what she was trying to say was that Eel = Eew. :)

She's funny!

This, is V.

She invited me to Malaysia because she is in a hurry although she doesn't want to have curry. How funny. :)

Bye, I'm going to church all by my independent self tomorrow! Yay man, because I need all that motivational talk! :)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Fats of today.

Today isn't really nice.

And I get hungry very quickly these few days!!
Somemore its like a going-to-get-gastric-pain type of growling.....

Talking to A today gave me a really quiet, happy feeling! :) Feel so joyous after that, hehe!

Anyway I hope everything goes like the past/ usual for him tomorrow! :))))))

I mizzzzzzzzzzz playing table-tennis with Dingding1 + Tan-tan + Ziqi and all!

By any way, The Grumpy One is now my, Richie the Rich's, new pet. :) And T-G-O is going to get a lot of T.L.C. from me! Hehe.
Only till its not grumpy, then I shall eat it up and become ungrumpy for however long the effect lasts. Hehehe!

Okay not funny!
Anyway since I don't have anything to blog in my mind right now,

A Story on Friendship
~ Author Unknown

A story is told about a soldier who was finally coming home
after having fought in Vietnam. He called his parents from San
"Mom and Dad, I'm coming home, but I've a favor to ask. I have a
friend I'd like to bring home with me.
"Sure," they replied, "we'd love to
meet him."
"There's something you should know," the son continued, "he was
hurt pretty badly in the fighting. He stepped on a land mind and lost an arm and
a leg. He has nowhere else to go, and I want him to come live with us."
sorry to hear that, son. Maybe we can help him find somewhere to live."
Mom and Dad, I want him to live with us."
"Son," said the father, "you don't
know what you're asking. Someone with such a handicap would be a terrible burden
on us. We have our own lives to live, and we can't let something like this
interfere with our lives. I think you should just come home and forget about
this guy. He'll find a way to live on his own."
At that point, the son hung
up the phone. The parents heard nothing more from him. A few days later,
however, they received a call from the San Francisco police. Their son had died
after falling from a building, they were told. The police believed it was
The grief-stricken parents flew to San Francisco and were taken to
the city morgue to identify the body of their son. They recognized him, but to
their horror they also discovered something they didn't know, their son had only
one arm and one leg.
The parents in this story are like many of us. We find
it easy to love those who are good-looking or fun to have around, but we don't
like people who inconvenience us or make us feel uncomfortable. We would rather
stay away from people who aren't as healthy, beautiful, or smart as we
Thankfully, there's someone who won't treat us that way.
Someone who loves us with an unconditional love that welcomes us
into the forever family, regardless of how messed up we are.
Tonight, before
you tuck yourself in for the night, say a little prayer that God will give you
the strength you need to accept people as they are, and to help us all be more
understanding of those who are different from us!!! There's a miracle called
Friendship That dwells in the heart You don't know how it happens Or when it
gets started But you know the special lift It always brings. And you realize
that Friendship Is God's most precious gift!
Friends are a very rare jewel, indeed. They make you smile and
encourage you to succeed. They lend an ear, they share a word of praise, and
they always want to open their hearts to us. Show your friends how much you

"A touching story worth reading."
Author Unknown

Dear Patrick,
I was then an only child who had
everything I could ever want. But even a pretty, spoiled and rich kid could get
lonely once in a while so when Mom told me that she was pregnant, I was
ecstatic. I imagined how wonderful you would be and how we'd always be together
and how much you would look like me. So, when you were born, I looked at your
tiny hands and feet and marveled at how beautiful you were.
We took
you home and I showed you proudly to my friends. They would touch you and
sometimes pinch you, but you never reacted. When you were five months old, some
things began to bother Mom. You seemed so unmoving and numb, and your cry
sounded odd --- almost like a kitten's. So we brought you to many
The thirteenth doctor who looked at you quietly said you have
the "cry du chat" (pronounced Kree-do-sha) syndrome, "cry of the cat" in French.
When I asked what that meant, he looked at me with pity and softly
said, "Your brother will never walk nor talk." The doctor told us that it is a
condition that afflicts one in 50,000 babies, rendering victims severely
retarded. Mom was shocked and I was furious. I thought it was unfair.

When we went home, Mom took you in her arms and cried. I looked at you and
realized that word will get around that you're not normal. So to hold on to my
popularity, I did the unthinkable ... I disowned you. Mom and Dad didn't know
but I steeled myself not to love you as you grew. Mom and Dad showered you love
and attention and that made me bitter. And as the years passed, that bitterness
turned to anger, and then hate.
Mom never gave up on you. She knew she
had to do it for your sake.
Everytime she put your toys down, you'd
roll instead of crawl. I watched her heart break every time she took away your
toys and strapped your tummy with foam so you couldn't roll. You struggle and
you're cry in that pitiful way, the cry of the kitten. But she still didn't give
And then one day, you defied what all your doctors said - you
When mom saw this, she knew you would eventually walk. So
when you were still crawling at age four, she'd put you on the grass with only
your diapers on knowing that you hate the feel of the grass on your skin.
Then she'd leave you there. I would sometimes watch from the windows
and smile at your discomfort. You would crawl to the sidewalk and Mom would put
you back. Again and again, Mom repeated this on the lawn. Until one day, Mom saw
you pull yourself up and toddle off the grass as fast as your little legs could
carry you.
Laughing and crying, she shouted for Dad and I to come.
Dad hugged you crying openly.
I watched from my bedroom window this
heartbreaking scene.
Over the years, Mom taught you to speak, read and
write. From then on, I would sometime see you walk outside, smell the flowers,
marvel at the birds, or just smile at no one. I began to see the beauty of the
world through your eyes. It was then that I realized that you were my brother
and no matter how much I tried to hate you, I couldn't, because I had grown to
love you.
During the next few days, we again became acquainted with
each other. I would buy you toys and give you all the love that a sister could
ever give to her brother. And you would reward me by smiling and hugging
But I guess, you were never really meant for us. On your tenth
birthday, you felt severe headaches. The doctor's diagnosis --leukemia. Mom
gasped and Dad held her, while I fought hard to keep my tears from falling. At
that moment, I loved you all the more. I couldn't even bear to leave your side.
Then the doctors told us that your only hope is to have a bonemarrow transplant.
You became the subject of a nationwide donor search. When at last we found the
right match, you were too sick, and the doctor reluctantly ruled out the
operations. Since then, you underwent chemotherapy and radiation.

Even at the end, you continued to pursue life. Just a month before you died, you
made me draw up a list of things you wanted to do when you got out of the
hospital. Two days after the list was completed, you asked the doctors to send
you home. There, we ate ice cream and cake, run across the grass, flew kites,
went fishing, took pictures of one another and let the balloons fly. I remember
the last conversation that we had. You said that if you die, and if I need of
help, I could send you a note to heaven by tying it on the string of any balloon
and letting it fly. When you said this, I started crying. Then you hugged me.
Then again, for the last time, you got sick.
That last night, you asked for
water, a back rub, a cuddle. Finally, you went into seizure with tears streaming
down your face. Later, at the hospital, you struggled to talk but the words
wouldn't come. I know what you wanted to say. "Hear you," I whispered. And for
the last time, I said, "I'll always love and I will never forget you. Don't be
afraid. You'll soon be with God in heaven." Then, with my tears flowing freely,
I watched the bravest boy I had ever known finally stop breathing. Dad, Mom and
I cried until I felt as if there were no more tears left. Patrick was finally
gone, leaving us behind.
From then on, you were my source of
inspiration. You showed me how to love life and live to the fullest. With your
simplicity and honesty, you showed me a world full of love and caring. And you
made me realize that the most important thing in this life is to
continue loving without asking why or how and without setting any
Thank you, my little brother, for all these.
I really dislike most parts of today.
Okay okay okay!! YOU KNOW WHAT!
A few weeks ago, I was rushing around trying to do some
Valentine's Day shopping done. I was stressed out and not thinking very fondly
of the weather right then.
It was dark, cold, and wet in the parking lot as I was loading
my car up. I noticed that I was missing a receipt that I might need later. So
mumbling under my breath, I retraced my steps to the mall entrance. As I was
searching the wet pavement for the lost receipt, I heard a quiet sobbing.
The crying was coming from a poorly dressed boy of about 12
years old. He was short and thin. He had no coat. He was just wearing a ragged
flannel shirt to protect him from the cold night's chill. Oddly enough, he was
holding a hundred dollar bill in his hand. Thinking that he had gotten lost from
his parents, I asked him what was wrong.
He told me his sad story. He said that he came from a large
family. He had three brothers and four sisters. His father had died when he was
nine years old. His Mother was poorly educated and worked two full time jobs.
She made very little to support her large family. Nevertheless, she had managed
to skimp and save two hundred dollars to buy her children some Valentine's Day
presents (since she didn't manage to get them anything on Christmas). The young
boy had been dropped off, by his mother, on the way to her second job. He was to
use the money to buy presents for all his siblings and save just enough to take
the bus home. He had not even entered the mall, when an older boy grabbed one of
the hundred dollar bills and disappeared into the night.
"Why didn't you scream for help?" I asked.
The boy said, "I did."
"And nobody came to help you?" I queried.
The boy stared at the sidewalk and sadly shook his head.
"How loud did you scream?" I inquired.
The soft-spoken boy looked up and meekly whispered, "Help
I realized that absolutely no one could have heard that poor boy
cry for help.
So I grabbed his other hundred and made a run to my car.
Yea, very touching indeed.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

If I'm..

Supergirl (actually I didn't know there's this superhero till I took the Superhero Quiz)


You are Supergirl
Lean, muscular and feminine.
Honest and a defender of the innocent.

SUPERgirl - 60%
Robin - 60%
SUPERman - 55%
Spider-Man - 55%
WONDER Woman - 50%
The Flash - 50%
Green Lantern - 45%
Iron Man - 45%
Hulk - 40%
Batman - 25%
(So I'm 25% bad!)

Catwoman - 25%

Yup, since I'm Supergirl (plus so many other superheroes' traits!), I think I should make a to-do list. :)
  • Fly/ Run all the way over to V's place and help fold clothes while communicating through telepathy, with her! :P

  • Repair the ozone layer (With anything! Be it scotch-tape, umbrellas and the blahs!) and protect the Earth from any danger. Hee! :)

  • Binge (Okay this doesn't sound okay.. :() all I want and fly around as exercise! (Which burns more because of air resistance! Unless.. I have a streamlined body which I guess I do because I'm SUPERgirl!)

  • Finish my homework in light speed!

  • Save the world from all evil! Hehe!

  • Set a SUPER good example for my little sister!

  • Tell the teacher that I accidentally burned my homework with my supersonic eyes.

  • Bring my loved ones on a world tour, in a few minutes. Hehe! :D

  • Befriend all the lonely, sad, nice people! :)

  • Get Gold for all my NAPFA tests!

  • FLY! Over to YVONNE's school during Recess! :)

K I'll cope with all these first!

My cousin has a super sword!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Thank-you (Sarah) for the and !

(Ziqi) and connected a messenger thingy to our classes (3s2 & 3s3). :D

And(Miss Lee) for teaching me. Hehe.

Monday, March 23, 2009

(Ask me why)

I was hoping for “洁蕾,放学后你去办公室找我。”

Not “洁蕾,你这几天不是没有叫功课就是没为课作准备。”


But I'll still 尽力而为!:)

Today was kind of horrible. (So far)
Today was another lazy day. (Lazy day number three already!!
Today was quite nice in some parts. (Thank-you (Jiaying) for your encouragement.) ((Gillian) is actually quite childish xD)

Blah, I'm given another chance tomorrow! Hehe.
YVONNE was super cute! Hehe. She went to (India) (on a school trip) and she told me that the food there was horrible (to her anyway. She said that those who liked it ate a lot, while those who don't don't even touch their food. My father also said that their food needs some getting used to.), and before the trip, the teacher asked them to bring (cup noodles) just in case. Haha! And Y brought 7 x! Her buddy (they were living at their buddies' houses, like Fuhua's Taicang trip lo!) said that the ' noodles' (a.k.a. ) were very yummy, so Y gave her 6, and so Y went hungry many nights. :O
Now Y's slimmed down by some!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


K it sounds very funny starting a post with 'Hehe.'.

Anyway.. Mr Computer decided to collaborate with Google to bully Blogger yesterday, so well, I can't use Blogger yesterday when the 'blogging feel' came. But I can use Blogger when I decided to help YVONNE L post!

Okay so I made a new acc
ount at Thoughts(.com) and, it is very troublesome! And I'm a newbie there. So I decided to come back today. Hoho. Visit it if you like, but there's only one post there... Which is my wishlist! But thinking and thinking, I got much more things I want, so no point, you might as well bring me out and ask me what I want...*****
*****That's a hint! :P

Met YVONNE up with my Brother, and she kept asking me to chop off her nose. Library, B-talk, ice-cream, Daiso, IMM, Giant, home! Hehe. Bye! Get well soon, seeyou soon okay! :)

Today is my lazy lazy lazy day... Hehehe!

Though lazy, but still..

Hehe, I have not gotten you a present. :( But
I wish you all the best, and hopefully you will learn turtle-language in
the future! :D

Friday, March 20, 2009


I think the whole blogging community is pretty interesting. I was blog-hopping and somehow one(Friend) links to another(A familiar face) and another(Friend's friend)... And... You get the drift right! :)

Heh, I think I know Minmin's blog URL. But I'm not sure if its the Trybe's Minmin. But anyway according the youths that joined Trybe, Trybe seems very fun.

Nuffnang too.

Don't know much about Trybe though.

Too lazy, and have to do...
My homework: One half-done, one don't-know-how-to-do, one haven't-print-out & one SS project due next Friday!

Pretty lady,

walking down the street,
Pretty lady,

sitting next to me~

(It kinda rhymes when you sing it in your head/ out loud, with the correct tune of course! Anyway...)
That pretty lady below is my cousin, V!

Cineleisure's. (Above)

Jurong Point's. (Below)

See the difference!?

(The main difference is that I look veryyyyy awful in the second one. Especially if you compare it with the first.)

But they (Brother and V) like the big picture beside the one with the 'Rock', 'Rock', 'Rock' because of my candid (awful) expression.

I don't like. But I like them. Them are cool. (LOL!) Them are cute. Them are nice. Them, very lame (in a funny way).


Awful looking me. :((((((

Sister, G, Cousins E, Brother, Cousin V and I went to Jurong Point. S, G, E(s) went to the arcade while V, B, I went to find birthday presents (belated and early) for each other. Had lots of fun. Ate at Billy Bombers and the bill came up to $87+. My brother went off secretly to buy V's present while we shopped. Home at 10~11+.


Baked cookies in the morning! (V's first attempt!) Sister, G, E, Cousins E went to Singapore Discovery Centre while B, V, I went to Jurong Point for the same purpose. Then we went to East Coast Park, because B wanted to cycle overnight with classmates. MRT to Tanah Merah (Supposed to be Bedok! Anyway I wrote 155 words of my shui bi there) and took Bus 31 whose tire burst. Ate cup noodles, looking pathetic and all. Talked about ways to be more pathetic. Hehe. Then we met the Classmatez and rented bikes at the last minutes before they closed. The bike man was very funny when he talked in an exasperated tone. LOL! Three of us had to to talks on the sand! , man! :P Then cabbed home ($25.20! D:) after midnight. V's shoulder was very handy-dandy-ly useful and comfortable! (Talking about shoulders, Ziqi's super comfortable to lean on cause she say she got some shoulder pad or something, heeheehee)

V is now gone. I is very sad and empty now. Hehe. :(

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Super tired!
But VERY happy! :D
So I hope all of you are happy too~

After so many months, I finally took neoprints! :)
With great company.
Only today did I know that Jurong Point has a neoprint machine, although its far worse than those in Cineleisure. Because the machine doesn't have any effects, its all up to your creativity........ And the designing machine hanged when the timer was at 40 seconds. I bet it happened very frequently, because the person at the counter was,"Oh, 40 right? Just (blah-blah black sheep!)..."
So well, not nice also. :(

Anyway, I'm going to sleep already, so I'm going to just summarise 17th and 18th in a few words, for memory's sake. (I want to drink tea!)

Bus 187, MRT, Cineleisure, Marley & Me (Yes I've watched it! Cool man:D), Neoprints! Pastamania, Raffles Place station, pictures, home!
Super tired now, can only vaguely remember what I did today, so seeyou!

Azhar my friend! HAHA! Sorry for not going online ogay!:)

Btw, according to my brother, Haagen Daaz's (however it is spelt, I forgot!) chocolate fondue is wonderful, so treat me thanks.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Two lollipops' time:)

I realised that there's still people who actually cares in more ways than one. :)

I feel much appreciated today.

(I felt --- today that I bought two lollipops. Because I wanted to give myself only two lollipops' time to think it through, then get over it after I finished them. But I ended up giving both away, and gaining much much love. Heeeeeeeeee.)

A teeny bit when Yang laoshi asked me to let Yongxiang use my file as a reference. After ... =)
When my mother comforted me, and told me that probably Yang laoshi just has higher expectations from me/ today just wasn't her day. (Luv.)
When my father bought chocolates for me randomly. :o
When my Yeeyi told me that she really cut down on her smoking (by quite a lot somemore!) after I tried to persuade her from quitting. (Very HAPPY when I heard this!)
After taking a long walk with my mother. And father!
After talking with the Parentz.

Additional part:
My mood lifted after receiving both Cheowyi's and Jeslynn's SMSes.

But................. I thought its better late than never, and that its the thought that counts
But its doesn't matter now what right. Blah blah (black sheep)..

Sorry Aizhen, have fun in your camp:)

Yvonne L please contact me ASAP I need your listening earssssss! :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Happy Birthday, Eng Meng & Elycia!

(Is that right? The elderly birthday-person today?)

ELYCIA YOU CAN HAVE MY P.E. TEE! HAHAHA :D Don't stand on ceremony, thanks!

Hi, I'm super the tired now! So I'm going to sleep right later.

Anyway, for our Project Sphere (C.I.P.), 3s3 went to Golden Willows.
Miss Lee LH helped me to take a picture with a very cute old man! :D
She told me that he's already ninety, and what makes him catch my eye is that I find him super enthusiastic! :P
At first it seems pretty scary to most of my classmates, but after a while I think they found it really easy to fit in/ enthusiastic about the whole thing already. =)

I did one and half pages of the reflections before offering to share it with Marcus (who did the remaining half of the page) and I realised there's still ONE MORE PAGE. HEHE. Marcus leads such a good life while mine is so miserable. Kidding! Anyway I'll show you pictures of the guys' version of 'jump shots', someday!

And, Ben Chia, Dingding1 + 3s5 was so excited that I became their new classmate today.. (Lucinda ah, super the surprised to find me sitting beside her)

Note the space above! I'll post the picture..... someday. :)

I'll try to not post so much/ often, if not maybe you, you or... you (as if so many people visits! -.-) who have not read the shuai relative post/ part would just skip it.. :S
Was kidding, g'night! :D

Monday, March 9, 2009

Please wake up when the alarm rings

Alarm: Mr R Loh
Sleeping person: Me
Wake up: From daydreams and the blah.

Today, Mr R Loh was lik-
No, wrong, correction.
Today, Mr R Loh was ABSOLUTELY disappointed. In us. In the effort many of us put in. In our results. In our attitude. (The term our excludes those who don't fall in those categories.)
And although he gave Cheowyi a smiley but not me.................... I'm not a 小气 person, therefore I'll definitely put in effort, for him, for cute Ms L LH, for myself, for the 'O's, for my future/ dreams, for my ever-supportive family & friends!

There will be time this Sunday to work out some sort of diet plan and make a grocery list. Fruit is good for you but too much fruit can cause problems. (Diet what?! Spastic Sweetie, we go have LJS/ popcorn/ MacDonald's/ KFC/ Pizza Hut/ Fruits/ Cheapo food ogay! :P)
You are at your mental best this Monday with sharp ideas and clear thoughts. Do not worry too much about how others think of you or your abilities. This is an excellent time to make decisions, take care of mental work and get many things done.
Working as a team in a problem solving situation this Tuesday will be quite successful. No particular person can be the winner here--this is a real time to feel the old team spirit.
This Wednesday is not particularly a day for workaholics. Your organized self may find difficulty in concentration as others are intent on interrupting your work. Relationships are good.
Thursday, old prejudices could obstruct reason. This is probably not a good day for important negotiations or decisions. There may be little help from your colleagues--they have their own problems.
Friday is a period when you take your work more seriously and a lot of energy goes into getting things organized. This is also a time when you will be working on some personal improvement.
This Saturday is a good time to get closer to the youth in your family.

This (above) is for Yvonne Lim because I tried looking for what I was looking for but to no avail. Coincidentally, Binbinbin is all mine this Saturday!(?) HEHEE!
Anyway, I was looking for some horoscope thing that I read for fun (I don't believe it applies for me in reality, but there are some coincidentals now and then. :]) last night. And Yvonne is said to need more time, which is ABSOLUTELY true!

Still thinking about the darn well-proportioned person being so nice la! No comments needed on this. Freedom to think, don't think I don't know ogay! My new blog URL soon! Kidding! :D

Thiz iz me (computerized version!). HAHA! :D

I bought the gift for my mother already! More expensive than I thought, but its worth it ogay! :)
The problem is that I don't know how to give to her. The nearest event is my birthday*****.. April Fools...........
*****Hinted you! :P

Anyway as soon I find the cable, I'm going to set up a co-owned photoblog(?) with my sister! :)
(Tell you this for what?! o.o)

Abr abr abr my uncheap friend, forgetting may seem necessary, but... I don't know how to sayyy. Sorry! :(

I have to save more money! For 'Marley and Me', Rush Hour marathon, Yvonne L's Valentine's present, my school bag, Cousin's birthday present, blahhhhz.
:)))))))))))))))))))))) LuV.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Just feel like

Nothing much. :)

Unrelated. Uninteresting (maybe not! :P). Random. No link.
See below and you'll know. (It rhymes! :P)

Anyway, I rushed out my Loss composition today (thirty or so minutes only!), and coincidentally, one of my friends is feeling so super sad! Okay not exactly going through a loss, but, well....

And I was looking for attractions in Singapore (my cousin's coming what! :D) and I came onto this website where a dog died recently (5 March) and the owner closed her shoponline website temporarily, in memory of him, who had accompanied many of the packages ordered, to the post office.

I hope tomorrow will be a better day for Friend (mentioned) A(bove). I'll support you all the way! :D

My mother claimed that I'm addicted to showering, but who wouldn't in such hot weather! You won't ah!?
(in small font because I didn't want to post about this)

I'm still thinking about that relatively shuai relative being so gentlemanly attractive... HeeHeeeEE.

I think I'm going to back to that place tomorrow to buy my mother that pretty clutch. :P

*Hic! says:

[a=1][c=9]AbR...[/c=1][/a=9] says:
wat? wat the hell is shuai?
*Hic! says:
HAHAHA handsome

[a=1][c=9]AbR...[/c=1][/a=9] says:
*Hic! says:

[a=1][c=9]AbR...[/c=1][/a=9] says:
u mean u saw me ah?

Best excuse yet:

"when u grow taller dan come collect your present from me ok"

K what else am I supposed to say?
Goodnight, sleep tight. :)

Love............... :)!

p/s Attractive attractions to introduce, people? :P

(Long-windedly) Today, today, yesterday

Today was pretty much very quite wonderfully eventful, but pretty much very quite wonderfully(b'cause today's such a wonderful day!) rush!

Anyway I was complementing whether to post or the opposite.
Why ah!
1. Morning seems like happier option for blogging about such a wonderful day.
No more!

Okay the point is. Wait. I tell you something first- I didn't get to watch America's Next Top Model (as mentioned in the previous post) because even though it was supposed to be showing starting 4th March, it didn't... leh!

  1. My father drove my sister to her Art lesson, then we went to collect some things for my mother before walking the StarHub centre (which has a big & colourful) notebook/ file store nearby to get my SIM card (for free because the person thought it was my first time, according to the details on the computer) which was pretty much very quite wonderfully near. Then we went to eat. (Super yummy y'know)
  2. I go sleep first bye.
  3. I saw a dashing person today! P:
    HAHAHA more about that later maybe. (This post is so messy already!)
  5. (8/3, 11:57 am) K I'm back. :D
  6. Today's my neighbours' little baby's birthday (party), so HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHLOE! :D
  7. K so after that, we went to fetch my sister before heading home to get my hand phone and to lend Cheowyi something. Then met Cheowyi downstairs and my father drove us, plus my sister, to my mother's. Waited for Ziqi and we met on the same bus~ :) The trip was surprisingly fast. ;D
  8. Ikea- sale, 90-cents stuff toy, Chloe's present, fly, pictures (with Cheowyi :D) Ate hot dogs, ice-cream, Sweden(s). :D
  9. Rained, Anchor Point: sales, felt sad for Cheowyi because her handphone was running out of battery, nice shopkeeper, antique-like shop, Cheowyi bought a super nice pencil-box/ clutch! (Maybe going back to buy one for my Mami someday. :P). Really pretty but Cheowyi said it was only quite pretty. So we pretended it was mine (in the bus).. (some psychology thing) but she la! Keep being so noob! HEEHA! :D
  10. Rain-walked (Heehee!!) to Queensway Shopping Centre and... something unfortunate but a bit funny happened to Ziqi's self-customised shoo(shoe).
  11. Queensway: Went around looking for Cheowyi/ Tjh's Spongebob boxers but only saw an ugly brown spongebob one which looks a little like Domokun. Took a bus to my mother's and bathed, changed before rushing to her cousin's daughter (niece) all the wayyyyyyy at Raffles Town Club.
  12. We thought we were late but there were still pretty much very quite wonderfully lot of latecomers. But my mother said as relatives, we had to come earlier than others (form of respect I guess). Our relatives whom I had never before seen, were seated at the table next to us. Wa, I thought I saw ALL my relatives before y'know! -.- But in actual fact, I haven't seen a lot more which my parents don't really know. Super ps, my mother asked me to walk around the table calling the other relatives (another common form of respect). Then there was this shuai guy, okay la, not exactly shuai, but more of dashing/ handsome in a gentlemanly sort of way, who was my 表舅 (who's the same age as my brother although he's in the same generation as my mother), who claimed to have seen me before but my 舅母(I think) said it was 不可能 and she introduced him as “他讲很多话”, LOL! K honestly he looks a bit like my neighbour downstairs who I once thought looked a wee bit like Jinfei when he was in Sec One. Except my 表舅's more gentlemanly and dashing la cause maybe somehow have my genes... -.- kidding! Then my 舅母 went and said,“Shake hands 就认识了 lor。” And we shook hands. Super gentlemanly to me ogay! And I looked a lot more horrible than usual y'know..... :) :(
  13. Then they had some sopranos/ singers which sang really niceeeee songs.
  14. Same as the other wedding dinners, they made a huge thing out of the food arrival. Heeheehee.
  15. Went to the washroom uncountable times, and it was interesting watching pretty ladies vomiting (K actually only one of them, whom my sister said she maybe had too much wine which maybe quite true because of the horribly maroon colour, yucks!) and offering her toliet paper which was pretty much very quite wonderfully pretty, watching a man accidentally walking into the wrong washroom (My father said it was on purpose, LOL!) and there was two relatively big ice-statues with a rose each outside. (Pictures with my mother :B)
  16. Drank red wine, and it was not really nice. I think gulping it tastes nicer than sipping it ogay. -.- But red wine + coke was super!! Was already full before the last three/ two dishes.
  17. There was this drunk man (who had a son and wife) at the same table, and he did the same funny action every time we had to take the food ourselves. And he was a bit crazy/ eccentric throughout the whole thing: "Hello, hello, *holds up glass*, *smiles*" (Cheers-ing randomly) But it was fun watching him, hoho. :D And saying many other things which the others weren't really into to (they only nodded their heads when he told them random things like,"If a man thinks he's very clever, he will never succeed." and "But if he/ she has the mindset that cooperation is very important, then he'll go far in life.". And many other things which I have a lot to argue/ say if he talked to me instead. Heehee. My father said“喝太多红酒就会这样咯”, and one of the servers/ waiters played along with him, mainly I think because he didn't know he was drunk, but it was funny! :D
  18. And the bride and bridegroom(I always wondered why bridegroom since small -.-) has a really interesting relationship!
    They met on IRQ (some chat room I think, when the Internet wasn't so 'pro'), according to the Emcee/ host who received a very detailed email from the bride, so it is probably VERY reliable :P seven years ago, and when they decided to meet up, the bridegroom came on the police van. HAHA! WL, he said he borrowed/ rented it from the police. Then the host said they met almost everyday, and said he didn't know how the freshness could last. And he asked the bridegroom if he remembered how long was the longest and shortest time they were away from each other. Bridegroom: One week (the correct answer was five days), one day (correct answer was two days, my instinct guessed this correctly y'know!). See, most females remember these type of details. :P Interesting, they are.
  19. Then we went off, and had to say byeee, to the next-table relatives. And one of the 舅母(s) told me (again) that he talk a lot/ is noisy. Can tell, because they were pretty near the stage, and every time I looked towards the stage, he was talking most of the time, either to the little boy or his older brother.
  20. Went off, reached home, and kept hiccuping. MSNed with my dearest cousin, and got super excited because she's coming to Singapore during the March holidays! :P Then went off to sleep after reading a bit of Harry Potter. For that night, Harry Potter became Happy Potter because I was so happy, excited! :D

Went to Haji Lane, Bugis Junction, Cineleisure and Cheowyi's house on Friday with Cheowyi, Aizhen and Bushy. Cheowyi's mother was very funny and cute! :D And her brother was quite shy. Cheowyi and I bought Chewy Junior doughnuts for him. He's Cheowyi the Junior (therefore Chewy Junior!). Her wonderfully cute and nice (I forgot her name, sorry! =/) treated us to homemade pudding/ jelly. :P Very nice y'know!


Went home and went for tuition, which was very funny la! :D But there was this group of teenagers who's always there on Friday nights (zzzzzzz..!) who said I dropped my pencilcase, but when I turned around they said,"Not you, that girl over there *points at the carpark which I couldn't see*" (in chinese). Zzzt!

K seeyou, I'm going to do Ms Chua's essay before going for tuition and out. HEEEEEEE. :D

Long right! Don't have to post for a long long time already, and anyway YVONNE 彬彬 MY LOVE I LOVE YOUUUU, MAY EVERYTHING BEGIN TO GO UPHILLLLLLLL FOR YOU! :D

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Tyra Banks

is super!

Anyway, tomorrow's Boon Tiang's birthday and I'm just going to do a short (yet sweet!) dedication/ note/ wish to her, before taking a short nap - practice A. (for Addicting :P) Maths - eat dinner so that I can stay till late to watch America's Next Top Model- Cycle 12. I think that show is indescribably (k I only use this word because of laziness and lack of time ~.~) cool and inspirational/ motivational because it gives me a really wonderful feeling/ after.

Happy happy birthday, Wenzhen!
I wish you everlasting prowess which you already possess! Work hard, talented girl! :D
Love. :)

p/s Bushy got squished in the bus today. :O

Monday, March 2, 2009

The R word.

See my new URL?
I'm rich from today onwards maybe till when... let's talk about it when that day comes k!

Well, you don't have to know why I'm rich, or how am I rich. Because I'm just rich ogay!
K seeyou! :)